We understand the importance of data to all individuals. Whether you’re a home user, small business, or enterprise, losing access to your files and documents, photos, or any data can be devastating. If our file repair software doesn't work for you, you may have a more complex data loss issue. Our team of experts can assess the issue and recover your data in one of our certified data recovery labs.
Our Engineers have decades of experience recovering data from all types of devices and conditions, and are confident we can recover yours.
From the time your device arrives in our lab until it is returned to you, we follow the most stringent security procedures. We also operate accredited ISO 4 Class 10 cleanroom lab facilities to safeguard your data during the whole recovery process so you can be sure your data is safe with us.
In addition, we invest heavily in research and development to constantly enhance our process for both existing and emerging storage media. Our dedication to keep ahead of the curve, together with excellent customer service and our certifications, helps us continue to be the top data recovery service provider in the industry.
Secure Data Recovery boasts 96% recovery success rate and offers a free, no-obligation evaluation before starting your data recovery journey.